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Department of Anesthesia Technology he Master of Science in Anesthesiology is one of the medical sciences educational programs, during which students become familiar with new anesthesiology principles, different anesthesia techniques, and related equipment, instruments, and drugs


Moreover, they learn how to take care of patients under general and local anesthesia before, during, and after general, special, and subspecialty surgeries. Familiarity with care principles and techniques for acute pain control with measures to be taken in medical emergencies and needed action in critical situations are also among the skills students' training programs. Graduates of this program will provide society with what they learn in the areas of education, research, and services

Disaster Response Specialist:Responding to mass casualty incidents


Phon number Organizational Position Degree of Education Position  
02188982997 Faculty member and head of department Doctorate in nursing education and post-doctorate in palliative medicine Associate Professor

Dr Afzal Shamsi

02188982997 Faculty member   Assistant Professor

Dr Mohamad Sorani

02188982997 Faculty member PhD in nursing education Assistant Professor


Dr Morteza Nasiri

  Faculty member PhD in nursing education Assistant Professor

Dr Massoumeh Malek

  Faculty member PhD in nursing education Assistant Professor


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