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Anesthesiology &Pre hospital emergency department
Anesthesiology &Pre hospital emergency department

At the undergraduate level, it is one of the branches of paramedicine and its main topics are caring for patients under general anesthesia and regional anesthesia in the stages before, during and after anesthesia in surgery, control and prevention of transmission of hospital infections, creating suitable psychological conditions. For patients, it is pain control and effective presence in the cardiac, pulmonary and brain resuscitation team.

Field of pre-hospital emergency medicine:Graduates

of this course, as members of the health team, are responsible for providing services and providing assistance to patients and the injured in the pre-hospital stage, and the range of these services includes members of the community.

Intelligence field:The

mission of this course is to train people who are aware of current scientific issues, capable, responsible and sensitive to the health of people in the society by providing optimal and effective care for patients under general and regional anesthesia in the previous stages, during the following stages, acute pain control service and Effective presence in the cardiac, pulmonary and cerebral resuscitation team.

Field of pre-hospital emergency medicine:The

education and training of experienced and efficient human resources committed to Islamic and human values ​​is considered as one of the mission of emergency medicine education. They will be able to provide relief and pre-hospital care services to the sick and injured in the least possible time and with the best quality to the community members.

Intelligence field:Due

to the development and expansion of the scope of the sciences related to anesthesia, the graduates of this field in the next ten years, emphasizing on active learning, innovation and acquisition of new relevant information and skills, and providing optimal care to patients in compliance with the standards of care will give

Field of pre-hospital emergency medicine:Based

on this training program, in the next ten years, along with the evolution of the society, the students of this field will be trained in accordance with the international standards. they will be. The graduates of this field will be able to provide the most effective and cost-effective services in order to improve the health of the society and reduce deaths and organ violations in medical emergency centers by being active in different fields of providing services in emergency medical centers. Regional and international level are important.

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